I am very happy and proud to announce the publication of our book “Visual Studio 2013 – Concevoir et développer des projets Web, les gérer avec TFS 2013”. This book has been co-written by Nicholas Suter (Cellenza), Simon Gilquin (Cellenza), François Merand and me. The preface has been written by Benoit Launay (Product Manager at Microsoft France).
So much work and finally it has been published ! Writing a book is a real adventure and not an easy task. I am very happy that we got it finished.
Here is the table of contents (in French):
- Introduction
- Les principes de l'ALM
- Analyse et Design
- Architecture logicielle de la solution
- Accès aux données avec Entity Framework
- Implémentation de la couche métier
- Développement web avec ASP.NET MVC5
- Services ASP.NET Web API
- Utilisation de Windows Azure pour héberger l’application web
- Pour aller plus loin
You can find the book on the ENI Website, on Amazon and in the FNAC stores :
- http://www.editions-eni.fr/livres/visual-studio-2013-concevoir-developper-et-gerer-des-projets-web/.397a4e8d6196ac564340efa9b58431eb.html
- http://www.amazon.fr/Visual-Studio-2013-Concevoir-développer/dp/2746085380/
- http://livre.fnac.com/a6485349/Jason-De-Oliveira-Visual-Studio-2013
I hope you will take a look, buy it and use it in your daily work ! If you have bought and read it, please let me know what you think. You might see some additional books written by me in 2014, so stay tuned !

Congratulations on the book!
Good to know and congratulations for the efforts taken and delivering a useful book to developers.
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